
Weekly Notes 21 October 2012

* There will be a Members Meeting in the Club on Friday Oct 26th at 8pm. This is a very important meeting where a wide and varied range of topics will be discussed. It is important that there is a full turn out of members as it is vital we hear all your views on everything that will need to be discussed. We ask that you keep this date clear in your diaries and we look forward to seeing you all there on the night.

* Our Annual Mass for all our members past, present and deceased will take place on Friday November 2nd at 7.30pm in St Malachy’s Church Castlewellan. Everyone is welcome to come along. This is the end of the year when we celebrate the year that has been and remember all those people who gave so much to our club and relatives that have now gone to their eternal rest. We invite everyone associated with the club to join us for the mass and a cup of tea in the club afterwards. Again everyone is welcome.

* History was made at Pairc Naomh Eanna Glengormley on Friday last when a combined Down Colleges Team came from seven points behind in the last few minutes scoring 4-01 to shock Cross and Passion Ballycastle and gain a place in the Mageean Cup Ulster Colleges Senior Hurling Final. This will be played at either QUB or Casement Park on Thursday night at 8.00pm. Well done to our Club men Rory Burns and Pauric Hardy who are part of the panel. The opposition will be St Mary’s Belfast. The Executive Committee and Club Members wish Pauirc, Rory and the Down team every success in the final. 

* A hurling foundation coaching course will be held on Saturday 3rd of November with a child protection course on the Friday night beforehand in RGU club rooms Downpatrick. Anyone interested should contact John O’Neill or Aidan Rodgers.
* Winter Fun Coaching Programme will commence on Monday 5th November 2012 in St Malachy’s High School. The timings for each group to attend are as follows; P1-P4 6-7pm, P5-P7 7-8pm. The cost for this £6 for six sessions. Registration will be on the night. Again all children in these age groups are welcome.

* Well Castlewellan’s Come dancing is certainly gathering pace and tempers are frayed with certainly a lot of tension. Former All Ireland winner and self proclaimed perfectionist Gregory McCartan is the hissy fit champion of the week much to the delight of Mickey H. As you all know Mickey held the title last week. Gregory wants to wear a white suit and perform Saturday Night Fever. His wishes have been granted but with one stipulation that he is labelled a Saturday Night Diva. He will also perform the Ballymartin Smooth! Meanwhile a certain Tyrone lady none too impressed with her boyfriend’s fitness for the competition has said shape up Ronan or ship out! Ronan was taken on a long trek up Donard which was both calf tightening and soul cleansing. Miss McAleese you will be dancing with the Wolf! You know they will probably make a film out of it. Finally Claire Dougherty and H from Steps are practicing regularly in the club Claire give this columnist a performance of her dance sitting on a bar stool last Sunday night. I don’t know how she did that. Don’t worry H no secrets were divulged! Yes it’s all happening!  A limited number of tickets will be on sale on Sunday Night in the Club from 9.00pm for the two semi Finals on 24 November and 1 December.

* Last Saturday Night saw the play “The Pitch” by Shane Connaughton performed in our Clubrooms. This was a most enjoyable night and certainly everyone in attendance spoke highly of all the performers. It was a great show and everyone there certainly enjoyed themselves.

* The Clothes Collection is still on-going. Please donate any clothing items you do not require to this! Please leave all bags of clothes with Noreen Keown.

* The Monster Bingo will take place again this Sunday in the Club at 3.00pm. there are cash prizes to be won and everyone is welcome to come along and enjoy a good afternoon. Following the Bingo there will be a Children’s Hallowe’en Disco from 5.30pm to 7.30 in the Club. There are prizes to be won for best Fancy dress costumes andf other fun activities. We plan to have a cake and bun sale with all profits going to the Bridgewater Cancer in the Belfast City Hospital. If any parent would like to assist in bringing along buns and cake, it will be greatly appreciated.

* Weather permitting there will be and enchanted walk on Tuesday 30 October 2012 from St Malachys Club house to Castlewellan Lake. There will be a Scooby Doo Treasure Hunt with prizes to be won. We will leave the Club at 6.30pm. Children are encouraged to bring along a torch for the walk. Following the walk refreshments will be provided in the Club. Any parent who would like to bring along sandwiches and buns, this will be greatly appreciated.

* The first of our three monthly draws took place on Friday Night passed. The winners of all the prizes will be posted to our website. www.castlewellangac.com. You will also see a list of the winners on Facebook and the Club window.

* In this week’s lotto there were no jackpot winners and two £20 winners. They were Emily McAlinden & Colum McGreevy. Jackpot next week is £2400