
Weekly Notes 06January 2013

At the Club’s AGM in November past it was agreed that membership payments are due by 31st January 2013. Forms are now available in the club and also can be downloaded from our website; www.castlewellangac.com The Registrar will be available in the Club to accept payments on the following dates and to discuss payments; Friday 18th, Sunday 20th, Sunday 27th January 8pm-10pm. We recognise that the player’s fees may be difficult to pay in one amount and so the following has been agreed for Adult Players Only. A minimum of £40 must be paid prior to the end of January 2013. Initial payment must be accompanied by a membership form. Final Payment must be made by 28th February 2013. There will be a registration night starting with a short presentation to parents and players on 18 January 2013. There will be in total two juvenile registration evenings for Children 6 year’s to12 years on Friday 18th January from 7.30am and for those aged 12 years 18 years on Friday 25th January 2013 again at 7.30pm.

* As the Club prepares for 2013 we will be approaching people to help with Coaching and would ask members to think very seriously about this and please reply positively. We have 27 teams within our Club which provide games for all ages in all codes. As you can appreciate it takes a huge pool of resources to run these teams so again please do what you can to help us out. We will also be appealing to parents to help out in whatever way they can in terms of transport etc. Anyone interested in coaching or helping out please contact John O’Neill on 07711737610. There will be a meeting in the Club Rooms on Friday Jan 11 at 8.30pm for all coaches from all codes for children aged from 4 to 12 years of age. It is critical that all coaches attend this meeting which will last for only one hour. Could we ask all Monday night coaches please attend.
* There is a Coaching Course run by the Ulster Council taking place on Saturday Jan 26th in the Glenavon Hotel in Cookstown. The course is entitled ‘Thinking Coaches produce Thinking Players’ and includes keynote speaker Sean Boylan and also some practical workshops. Anyone interested in attending please contact John O’Neill or Brian Dougherty. Places are limited.

* The first of the Down indoor under 12 hurling blitzes was held on Sunday past. We had two squads attending. The older lads headed to Downpatrick and came away with 3 wins from three games. The younger squad headed to Banbridge and came away with two wins out of four. This was a great start to the season and coaches and parents were impressed by the skill and striking of all our boys at both venues which augurs well for the season ahead.

Indoor hurling training. Training restarts for P2-P4 at six on Thursday 10th followed by P5-u/12 at 7.00 in St Malachy’s Primary School.

* Hurling coaching will continue on Thursday evenings at St Malachy’s Primary School at 6.00pm for all P5, P6 & P7 and Year 8 boys eligible to play U12 hurling in 2013.

* Tickets are now out for the Down Development draw for 2013. The first monthly draw will take place in January 2013. Castlewellan GAC are required to sell 20 tickets. If any of our members wish to purchase those tickets can you please do so through the Club. Any tickets sold over and above that then the club will attract approximately 74% of the takings come back to the club.

* The Down Year Book for 2012 is also now on sale from the Club at £10 each.

* The ball has been thrown in on another year where we all dream of Croke Park on the third Sunday in September. Down started their season off in Kingspan Breffni Park with a good win. It was good to see Michael Cunningham being part of the Down squad for this fixture. Pity his oul’ fella like myself was restricted to his bed with man flu and missed the game. We hope it’s not the last we will see of Michael in the Down colours.

* A reminder once again that it is now compulsory that all underage players wear gum shields. More information will be available on this shortly.