
ACTIV8 – What Are You Doing For Lent?

Has your New Year’s Resolution fallen by the wayside? Or has the January Blues left you wanting to get out and get more active. Well for those looking for something new the Club will be organising Activ8; a community based Health and Fitness programme during Lent for everyone 18-80 of all abilities. Activ8 will contain a full programme of activities including Running, Walking, Cycling, Hiking, Tag Rugby, Mixed Gaelic Social 7s, Yoga, Circuits, Basketball and much more. The activities will be scheduled at various times to meet the needs of all lifestyles and ensure that there is something for everyone. Activ8 will begin on Ash Wednesday 13th February, following the last supper of pancakes in the club on the Tuesday prior. Cost to participate in the Activ8 Program is £30 for the entire duration of Lent and this may be paid in two instalments, for this you can attend as many events as you wish. An information night will be held in the club prior to this initiative, dates for this will follow. Finally the Club will be donating part of the profits of this to Trócaire, so by supporting your club and Trócaire you can also get healthier and more active.