
Weekly Notes 17 February 2013

The play “A Night In November” which was to have been performed on Saturday night past in our Club rooms was postponed. It will now take place on a later date. For those of you who are unaware this is a one man show and unfortunately the actor has been struck down with illness and was unable to perform on the night. We will of course keep everyone informed of a new date for the performance. Tickets purchased for the 16 February 2013 show will be valid for the new date. Castlewellan GAC apologises for any inconvenience cause due to this unforeseen circumstance.

* There will be a meeting of all juvenile coaches from all codes at 9 pm on Friday 22nd February in the Social Club. Please note the change of time to accommodate all those taking part in Activ8. The meeting will last no longer than 1 hour.

* There was a great turnout for the winter coaching programme for Primary School Children on Tuesday Feb 12th. Please note that there are no sessions on Tuesday Feb 19th and they will resume again on Tuesday Feb 26th at 6pm for P1 to P4 and at 7pm for P5 to P7. This course is free for all members and you can register on the night. All new members welcome. Please note that all children must have and wear gum shields during these training sessions. Refer to http://www.gaa.ie/ for more information. All new members are welcome.

* Under 8, Under 10 and Under 12 Camogie training will commence indoors on Wednesday 27 February 2013 in St.Malachy’s Primary School from 6.15pm – 7.15pm. Please wear suitable foot wear which will not mark the floor.

* We stated last week that our website was being revamped. We are pleased to announce that the website is up and running. The new format will also include links to the Down, Ulster and GAA Websites. There will also be links into local and national newspapers. We want to continually update and improve our site to ensure we provide for all our members. Any members wish to assist with the running of the website please contact Martin McClean. New input and new ideas are always welcome as we strive to improve all our communication tools. A reminder that our website address is www.castlewellangac.com

* Activ8 has commenced in the club with many members signing up to this fitness programme for the Lenten period. At the launch night on Tuesday of last week there was a great turn out for a feast of pancakes with many signing up to participate in the event. On talking to some there it was clear that many people wanted to be part of the club. This was a great way of getting to know existing members and make new friendships. Some of our older members who have been around the town for many years remarked that in a different era you could walk up the town and know everybody on the street. Today our town is much bigger with many new residents who’s roots are elsewhere. Activ8 is a great way for those wanting to integrate into our great club.  There are many activities but it is not possible to cover all the events in this week’s notes. To give you a flavour, there is the Caveman session with Barney Cunningham is on Thursday Night at 7.00pm at the Bann Road,   And on Friday Night a games based core workout with Liam hardy at 6.30pm at the Bann Road. There has been plenty of feedback from those who have participated in all the events to date. It has all been very positive. Those who did the Lough Shore walk on Saturday and the Mountain Biking on Saturday enjoyed their run out. Cills nearly cut a wee dog in half with his bike on Sunday. We are happy to say the dog and Cills are both unscathed and no-one was hurt! Well maybe Cill’s pride! There is still time to join Activ8. Cost to participate in the Activ8 Program is £30 for the entire duration of Lent and this may be paid in two installments For this you can attend as many events as you wish. Participants will nominate which charity they wish the organizer to donate towards. Please note that the schedule for the events will be published on our website.

* There will be bingo in the club on Sunday 24 February 2013 at 3.00pm. It is great to see so many now coming along to our monthly bingo.  We hope the attendance will enable us to continue our bingo.

* Sunday 24 March 2013 sees our second annual Spring Lake Challenge. You can register on-line for the race at www.athleticsni.org or on the day of the event. Further details will be available nearer the event time.

* The Annual Awards Night will be held in the Club on Saturday 9 March 2013. Further details of the night will be released in the coming weeks.

* Anyone interested in coaching or helping out with our underage teams please contact John O’Neill on 07711737610. You can never have enough coaches in a club. If you wish to help out with a team or just to come along and help, your assistance is very much appreciated.

* Hurling coaching will continue on Thursday evenings at St Malachy’s Primary School at 6.00pm. From 6.00pm to 7.00pm coaching will cater for P1 to P4 boys. 7.00pm to 8.00pm will cater for P5 to year 8 boys eligible to play U12 hurling in 2013.

* The lotto numbers for this week were 7, 11, 12 & 28. There were no jackpot winners and three £20 winners Maeve Cunningham, Charlie McAlinden and John McCann Next Week’s Jackpot is £3250.