
Activ8 Graduation Night – Fun and Success!

Activ8 – A Community in Motion! A video as part of the presentation at the Graduation Night on Saturday past typified what it was all about. This was of a Set Dancing Class run by Sharon McCauley – Breen. What you saw was fun smiling faces, laughing, camaraderie and an odd silly hat! (Oonagh). Everyone will testify to it that is was fun even if there were a few stresses and strains along the way. Some saw the top of Slieve Donard for the first time. Some didn’t realise that in the space of one hour they could cycle 9 miles without thinking about it. Above all the making of new friends and reacquainting with some old faces. Activ8 brought together people who possibly had not met before or you only nodded at to say hello. To be honest I am probably talking about myself but I am sure there is some truth in it. We are a growing Town and it is important that we extend a welcoming hand to all that reside here. Activ8 did that. It brought in people with new skills to us. The Yoga class and thanks to Linda for making us all realise there are more muscles hidden in our bodies than we knew! Tai Chi which was expertly instructed by Richard McCabe, the skills our club coaches have that parents may not have realised. In the end there was a competitive edge to it. The final points to be won on the night were in the form of a quiz and “The Plank”. A team member had to hold a medicine ball out straight-armed for as long as they could whilst their team answered as many “who am I” quiz questions as they could before the medicine ball was dropped. There were some valiant efforts to keep the ball from dropping and pain all around for those male members who were volunteered to be the Charles Atlas for this quiz! “The Plank” challenge was where a member of each team tried to keep the position for as long as possible. This went on for over four minutes with Anne Rooney and Michael McKibben where the last to collapse in unison. The top three participants were in reverse order Michael McKibben, Linda Rogan and out in front was Linda McCauley – Breen. The top team was Team Orange who gave it a real go to land the Top Participating Team prize. Thank you to all the participants and activity leaders. You made it the success it was. Finally thank you to Ronan King and to Lorna Cunningham for all their work to make this initiative work. Without their drive and inspiration it would not have been the success it was. There may be some random events throughout the year. Please let us know what your ideas are so we can look at continuing this initiative.