
Purchasing and Procurement Policy



1.1       Procurement is the process of acquisition, usually by means of a contractual agreement after public competition between two or more parties. This document explains Naomh Maolmhoig Caislean A Mhuilinn CLG An Duin purchasing and procurement procedures and the steps that must be taken when the club is required to purchase goods, services, works and or other supplies.



2.                  PRINCIPLES


2.1       Procurement is about ensuring the “best value for money”. While “best value for money” will be the primary objective of the procurement policy, there are other principles which must be adhered to. These are as follows:


Competitive Supply: procurement should be carried out by competition unless there are convincing reasons to the contrary.

Efficiency: procurement processes should be carried out as cost effectively as possible.

Impartiality: suppliers should be treated fairly and without unfair discrimination, including commercial confidentiality where required. Unnecessary burdens or constraints should not be placed on suppliers or potential suppliers.

Integrity: there should be no corruption or collusion with suppliers or others.

Informed Decision Making: decisions should be based on accurate information.

Transparency: there should be an openness and clarity on procurement policy and its delivery.


2.2       Each Executive Committee Member of St Malachy’s GAC must adhere to the above guidelines. Any person who does not follow this policy may be the subject to disciplinary action by St Malachy’s GAC Executive Committee.



3.         Naomh Maolmhoig Caislean A Mhuilinn CLG An Duin POLICY


3.1       St Malachy’s GAC is committed to the development and maintenance of an equitable, fair and transparent procurement policy for the purchasing of goods, services, works or other supplies.


3.2       It is also St Malachy’s GAC’s policy which will be rigorously enforced and that all members will be expected to comply with such a policy.





4.1       Members


4.1.1    Members are expected to act in accordance with St Malachy’s GAC’s standards of Business Conduct and to follow guidance on the receipt of gifts or hospitality, available from personnel within the club and potential and/or existing suppliers of goods services, works or other supplies.


4.1.2    St Malachy’s GAC’s rules and regulations place an obligation on all staff to act in accordance with best practice. St Malachy’s officers are subject to the same high standards of accountability, and are required to declare and register any interests that might potentially conflict with club purchasing and procurement policy.


4.2       Executive Committee


4.2.1    The Executive Committee will liaise with the Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary to ensure that the proper purchasing/procurement procedures are followed. Any suspected deviation from the correct procedures should be investigated by the relevant personnel.




5.1       Before placing an order for any goods, services, works and other supplies etc the club should obtain the requisite number of quotations/tenders from potential suppliers/contractors. St Malachy’s GAC should adhere to the following procurement/purchasing guidelines as detailed within their internal procedures.





  • £0 to £250 – no quotes


  • £251 to £1,000 (2 quotes, fax or email confirmation)


  • £1,001 to £10,000 3 written quotations (attached goods and services approval form must be completed and signed by Chairman and Treasurer)


  • £10,001 to £30,000 4 written quotations (attached goods and services approval form must be completed and signed by Chairman and Treasurer)


  • £30,001 +  Public Advertisement in main newspapers of Northern Ireland ie Belfast Telegraph, Irish News, News Letter.