* As this piece is being written some middle aged men and dare I say it the not so middle aged with their middle age spread are searching through garden sheds and garages. “That bicycle is in there somewhere!” Yes Cills, The Doc, The Sweeney, Ronan (collectively known as the “fatastic four” and our Chairman are all flexing their well hidden muscles! It is time for Activ8 the community based Health and Fitness programme which will take place during Lent and is designed for everyone 18-80 of all abilities. Cycling is just one of the events we plan to run for the in the Acrtiv8 programme. An information and sign-up night will take place next Sunday 3rd February from 6.00pm at our club rooms. Everyone is welcome to come along. On Tuesday 12 February there will be “The Last Supper”. This is Pancake Tuesday and there is no better way than to tuck in to a few pancakes before the fun begins on Ash Wednesday 13th February. The activities will be scheduled at various times to meet the needs of all lifestyles and ensure that there is something for everyone. Cost to participate in the Activ8 Program is £30 for the entire duration of Lent and this may be paid in two installments For this you can attend as many events as you wish. Participants will nominate which charity they wish the organizer to donate towards.
* Staying on the theme of activity and exercise, Sunday 24 March 2013 sees our second annual Spring Lake Challenge. Everyone involved last year will remember the fantastic weather we had for the event. Let’s hope the weather gods will give us the same early spring sunshine. You can register on-line for the race at www.athleticsni.org or on the day of the event. Further details will be available nearer the event time.
* Membership payments are due by 31st January 2013. Forms are now available in the club and also can be downloaded from our website; www.castlewellangac.com. We recognise that the player’s fees may be difficult to pay in one amount and so the following has been agreed for Adult Players Only. A minimum of £40 must be paid prior to the end of January 2013. Initial payment must be accompanied by a membership form. Final Payment must be made by 28th February 2013.
* Anyone interested in coaching or helping out with our underage teams please contact John O’Neill on 07711737610. You can never have enough coaches in a club. If you wish to help out with a team or just to come along and help, your assistance is very much appreciated.
* This is a notice for all coaches. A child protection course will be run in the club on Friday 7 February at 7.00pm. Can you please contact John O’Neill to confirm your attendance.
* A reminder that on Saturday 16 February 2013 Castlewellan GAC will host the Marie Jones play “A Night in November”. This will be performed by local actor Aaron Hickland. Tickets are on sale from the Club at £10 each. It is anticipated that tickets will sell very quickly as this play has sold out virtually everywhere it has been shown. Can you please ensure you purchase your ticket early to avoid any disappointment.
* On Sunday past our under 8 hurling team made the long journey to the Eddie Irvine Centre in Bangor to take part in a blitz. The boys performed well against Ballygalget, Bredagh, Portaferry and St Paul’s Belfast winning three and narrowly losing the other match. The panel were; Luke McCabe, Nathan Garland, Niall Rice, Sheá Connolly, Sheá Stratton and Sean O’Neill – well done lads. A special thanks also to the parents whom were able to come along and support the team.
* Hurling coaching will continue on Thursday evenings at St Malachy’s Primary School at 6.00pm. From 6.00pm to 7.00pm coaching will cater for P1 to P4 boys. 7.00pm to 8.00pm will cater for P5 to year 8 boys eligible to play U12 hurling in 2013.
* The lotto numbers for this week were 2, 3, 6 & 11. There were no jackpot winners and two £20 winners Rory McAlinden and Conal McCartan. Next Week’s Jackpot is £3100.