
Weekly Notes Castlewellan GAC 16 December 2012

* There was the sad news this week with passing Lily Gallagher, mother of our member & former player Sean and grandmother of our minor player Patrick. The Executive Committee and Members wish to express their deepest sympathy to her husband Patrick. We also extend our sympathies to the wide family circle on their sad loss. Ar dheis de go raibh a anam dilis.

* Tickets are now out for the Down Development draw for 2013. The first monthly draw will take place in January 2013. Castlewellan GAC are required to sell 20 tickets. If any of our members wish to purchase those tickets can you please do so through the Club. Any tickets sold over and above that then the club will attract approximately 74% of the takings come back to the club.

* The Down Year Book for 2012 is also now on sale from the Club at £10 each. They can be purchased in the Club. So if you need a Christmas stocking filler this would be perfect.

* The Club would like to thank all those who made the winter fun coaching programme such a huge success especially those children who took part, all the parents who helped out, all those who organised and administered the programme, St Malachys High School for the use of the Sports Hall and all the coaches who gave so selflessly of their time every Monday night. There is likely to be another indoor programme starting in mid February. Parents have been advised of membership fees and there will be a registration night in January to allow fees to be paid. Alternatively fees can be paid to the Registrar Ronan King or the Treasurer Brian O’Neill at anytime. All underage players will need to wear gum shields starting Jan 1st 2013. More information will be available on this shortly. Finally thanks to all coaches, children and parents who made 2012 such a successful and enjoyable year at juvenile level.
* There will be a meeting of all coaches from 4 to 12 years of age for all codes during the Christmas holidays to plan for 2013. Coaches will be contacted about this.

* The third and final monthly 500 Club Draw will take place this Saturday 22 December.  Can we remind all those sellers with monies outstanding to please get your returns in prior to the night to make the administration of the draw easier.

* Christmas Night entertainment will feature Johnny Brooks who is a Garth Brooks Tribute act. This is a great show so if you are looking for a good night’s entertainment you’ve got it right here. New Years Eve will feature Johnny Five in the Lounge.

* The Annual Juvenile Awards Night will take place on Friday 28 December 2012 in the Club.

* There will be a Children’s Christmas Walk to Forest Park on Friday 28th December leaving the Clubrooms at 11am. This will be followed by Family Quiz and refreshments back in Clubrooms afterwards. Everyone is welcome to join in this for the children.                       

* There will also be a Charity Walk from Club to Forest Park on behalf of Children’s Neonatal Unit in Royal Victoria Hospital on Saturday 29 December starting at 10am. Everyone is welcome to come along.

* Still on the charity theme some club family members have children attending Knockevin School. There will be a charity match in support of the school in St Patrick’s Park Newcastle on St Stephens Day starting at 11am.

* The Christmas Cracker Race organized by Newcastle AC will start from The Club on 29 December 2012. All you budding athletes who fancy pairing up and taking on the best, this is your chance. Racing gets underway at 1.00pm

* There will be a Christmas Bingo in the Club on Sunday 30 December at 3.00pm

* Congratulations to St Malachy’s High School Camogs on winning the Ulster Junior Medallion Shield  last week when they beat St Paul’s Kilrea in the Final. It great to see the school enjoying the success it deserves. We are only too aware of the good work of our schools and how our club benefits from this. Well done all the girls especially the members of our club involved.

 * As entertainment nights go in The Club, last Saturday night went down as one of the biggest attracting the young and the not so young to this venue. Doors opened at 7.00pm with nearly all the seating taken up by 7.30pm. The Final of Castlewellan Come Dancing certainly captured the imagination of our local community. The level of expectation, the excitement and when McGiggs rolled the intro and credits, the waiting was over. Lorna & Kevin made their introductions and without too much delay the show was on. You could see from our first couple Ciara & Gregory right through to Amy and Ray that everyone had upped their game. It was not a difficult night for the Judges who applauded all the dancers on their improvements from the semi-final. Kirsty & Ronan, Anna & Mikey and Sinead & Niall all had us rocking in our seats with their performances. Our judges were Josephine Brennan-King, Jerome Quinn, Gemma Blaney & our Chairman ‘TenRory’ McCabe. Rory had changed his name by deed poll prior to the show to reflect the marks he would give all night! Reminder for next year for Judge TenRory, only one number card required! It is difficult and unfair to laud and fanfare one couple over another. Let’s not forget that all couples put in a 9 – 12 week stint preparing and practicing for this event. That said no-one will begrudge the praise and credit given to our winners Caoimhe Kelly and Rory Burns. Described in our programme for the evening as “The Bubblegum Couple”, they brought everyone to their feet with two fantastic performances. They were a joy to watch. One of the runners up said that after two weeks of training he thought there would only be one winner and that was certainly borne out of the result.

Thank you to everyone who made our three nights of Come Dancing a huge success from the organizers, the sponsors, the audience, all those who worked on the night and behind the scenes and finally all 12 couples who started out not forgetting Cathy and Cass who had to pull out of the competition at an early stage. You all contributed to the success. So we bring the curtain down on Castlewellan Come Dancing for 2012. It has formed friendships and dancing skills some people thought they never had. So until this time next year in 2013, keep dancing!

* This week’s lotto numbers were 6, 10, 20, 27. There were no jackpot winners and three £20 winners. They were Edward McCartan, Colm Og Crilly and John Hardy. Jackpot next week £2800.